Care by Grass Type

Learn how to care for your grass type.

Cavalier Zoysia

  • In Spring and Summer, mow 1″-2″ every 7-10 days. Shorter heights require regular and more frequent mowing. Do not scalp. Never remove more than 1/3 of leaf blade in any single mowing. In Fall and Winter, mow every 10-14 days.
  • In Spring, apply fertilizer after danger of frost or in mid-February in frost-free areas. Use balanced time-released fertilizer such as 16-4-8. Can use products with iron to improve color. Perform soil analysis for best results.
  • In Fall, apply balanced time-released fertilizer such as 15-5-10.
  • Requires 3-5 lbs. of Nitrogen per 1000 square feet per year for a highly maintained turf.
  • At least 1″ of water weekly is recommended to keep optimal appearance and to resist disease and pests. However, in periods of drought or high temperatures, grass will need to be watered more often. Water when leaf blades wilt.

Celebration Bermuda

  • In Spring and Summer, mow 3/4″ to 1″ every 3-5 days or as needed. Do not scalp. Never remove more than 1/3 of leaf blade in any single mowing. In Fall and Winter, mow every 7-10 days or as needed.
  • Perform soil analysis to best determine your specific needs. Higher nitrogen (N) rates should only be applied in Spring. In Summer and Fall, fertilize with a product low in nitrogen and higher in phosphorous and potassium. Can use products with iron to improve color and limit growth surges.
  • At least 1″ of water weekly is recommended to keep optimal appearance and to resist disease and pests. However, in periods of drought or high temperatures, grass will need to be watered more often. Water when leaf blades wilt.

Emerald Zoysia

  • Mow at 1.5 cutting height. Mow no more than 1/3 of the leaf off at one mowing. May be required on a 7 to 10 day interval
  • Water to supplement rainfall shortages only. Avoid fixed timer irrigation settings. Though drought tolerant, Zoysia best performs when it receives approximately 1 inch of water per week. If one or more inches of rainfall occur in a week, additional irrigation is not necessary.
  • Fertilize with Total Lawn Food 16-4-8 + Iron and Pelletized Dolomitic Limestone, which can be purchased at your local Super-Sod store.
  • Apply between 2 and 4 pounds of nitrogen per 1000 square feet annually, during the growing season. Too much fertility will result in a thatchy, unhealthy lawn and increased disease risk.
  • Supplemental application of Iron will improve grass color.
  • Zoysia’s dense growth can reduce the weed population but to be sure, use of a pre-emergent herbicide, recommended for use on zoysia lawns on the label, is strongly recommended in the spring and fall.

Empire Zoysia

  • In Spring and Summer, mow 1″-2″ every 7-10 days. Shorter heights require regular and more frequent mowing. Do not scalp. Never remove more than 1/3 of leaf blade in any single mowing. In Fall and Winter, mow every 10-14 days.
  • In Spring, apply fertilizer after danger of frost or in mid-February in frost-free areas. Use balanced time-released fertilizer such as 16‑4‑8 (N‑P‑K). Can use products with iron to improve color. Perform soil analysis for best results.
  • In Fall, apply balanced time-released fertilizer such as 10‑10‑10.
  • At least 1″ of water weekly is recommended to keep optimal appearance and to resist disease and pests. However, in periods of drought or high temperatures, grass will need to be watered more often. Water when leaf blades wi

Palisades Zoysia

  • For home or commercial applications: In Spring and Summer, mow 1″-2″ every 7-10 days. Shorter heights require regular and more frequent mowing. Do not scalp. Never remove more than 1/3 of leaf blade in any single mowing. In Fall and Winter, mow every 10-14 days.
  • For sports or golf applications: Palisades tolerates close mowing, between 1/2″ to 7/8″. For these shorter heights, mow twice a week with a reel mower.
  • In Spring, apply fertilizer after danger of frost or in mid-February in frost-free areas. Use balanced time-released fertilizer such as 16-4-8. Can use products with iron to improve color. Perform soil analysis for best results.
  • In Fall, apply balanced time-released fertilizer such as 15-5-10.
  • Requires 3-4 lbs. of Nitrogen per 1000 square feet per year for a highly maintained turf.
  • At least 1″ of water weekly is recommended to keep optimal appearance and to resist disease and pests. However, in periods of drought or high temperatures, grass will need to be watered more often. Water when leaf blades wilt.

Palmetto St. Augustine

  • In Spring and Summer, mow 2-2.5″ every 7-10 days or as needed, slightly higher in shade. Can mow to 1.5″ if mowings are more frequent. Do not scalp. Never remove more than 1/3 of leaf blade in any single mowing. In Fall and Winter, mow every 10-14 days or as needed.
  • In Spring and Summer, apply fertilizer after danger of frost or in mid-February in frost-free areas. Use balanced time-released fertilizer, such as 16-4-8 (N-P-K). Can use products with iron to improve color. Perform soil analysis for best results.
  • In Fall, use balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10. Can use products with iron to improve color.
  • In Winter, fertilizer is not recommended except in South Texas (frost-free areas). Perform soil analysis for best results.
  • At least 1″ of water weekly is recommended to keep optimal appearance and to resist disease and pests. However, in periods of drought or high temperatures, grass will need to be watered more often. Water when leaf blades wilt.

Raleigh St. Augustine

  • Spring and Summer, mow 2-3″ every 7-10 days or as needed, slightly higher in shade. Do not scalp. Never remove more than 1/3 of leaf blade in any single mowing. In Fall and Winter, mow every 10-14 days or as needed.
  • Requires 2-3 fertilizer applications per year, with a fertilizer ratio of 3-1-2 (N-P-K) and a slow-release nitrogen source.
  • Requires half as much potassium (K) as nitrogen (N) to maintain growth. Nitrogen contributes to color and potassium increases root growth, cold tolerance, and drought tolerance. Phosphorus (P) usually not required unless soil test shows phosphorus missing or low.
  • At least 1″ of water weekly is recommended to keep optimal appearance and to resist disease and pests. However, in periods of drought or high temperatures, grass will need to be watered more often. Water when leaf blades wilt.

Tifway 419 Bermuda

  • In Spring and Summer, mow 3/4″ to 2″ every 3-5 days or as needed. Do not scalp. Never remove more than 1/3 of leaf blade in any single mowing. In Fall and Winter, mow every 7-10 days or as needed.
  • In Spring, apply a complete fertilizer with a ratio of 16-4-8 (N-P-K) or a balanced, slow-release fertilizer with a ratio of 10-10-10. Perform soil analysis for best results. In later months, more Nitrogen can be applied to reach desired color.
  • At least 1″ of water weekly is recommended to keep optimal appearance and to resist disease and pests. However, in periods of drought or high temperatures, grass will need to be watered more often. Water when leaf blades wilt.

TifTuf Bermuda

  • Maintain cutting height of 0.5-2 inches. Moving may be required on a 4 to 7 day interval. Mow no more than 1/3 of the leaf off at one mowing.
  • Apply between 3 and 6 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet annually, during the growing season.
  • Bermuda thrives on a neutral to alkaline soil with a pH range of 6 to 7.

Zeon Zoysia

  • On golf course fairways, Zeon can be mowed as low as 3/8” height. On homeowner and commercial sites, Zeon can be mowed from 1”-2” making it the ideal “Barefoot Grass.”
  • Suggested mowing height ¼”-1 ½”
  • Annual Nitrogen (N) use 1-2 pounds per 1000 sq ft using split applications in spring and late summer
  • Provide approximately 1” water per week. If conditions become hot & dry with low `growing conditions.

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